Google AdWords as an Effective Internet Marketing Tool

What is AdWords contextual advertising?

AdWords is a contextual advertising service with a convenient and simple interface that provides many tools for creating effective advertisements. At the same time, AdWords is suitable for all types of companies: both giant holdings and very small firms.

This internet marketing technology grants the right to place advertisements on the Google search results page in the “sponsored links” section and on Google partner sites. A big advantage of AdWords is the flexibility of the system: you can set a budget for a specific period, limit the display of an ad to a geographical or time frame, change keywords or the content of the ad itself. Besides, Google AdWords works on a pay-per-click system, that is, the customer pays only for each click on the ads he pays only for those customers who are interested in his offer.

It’s about principle

How Google AdWords works is relatively straightforward. The client composes an advertisement, which must contain keywords related to his goods or services. For example, for a pet store, the keywords can be “dog food”, “pet products”, “pet store in Moscow”. You can use the Keyword Planner, one of the AdWords services, to find the words you want. When potential customers search Google for such queries, the system will show them your site next to the search results. And the client only has to click on your link.

AdWords efficiency is the key to your business success

AdWords is one of the most effective advertising tools out there. And its main advantage over other types of advertising is accurate hitting the audience, or in other words, targeting.

If a person searches for something on Google, then the subject of the search has already been determined. Thus, the customer receives only those customers who are potentially ready to use his services. Consequently, the response will be greater. In this case, your site will be shown for all relevant queries.


Flexibility is another plus of Google AdWords. The user of the system gets the opportunity to edit or change the ad at any time, as well as to intelligently manage the advertising budget and “hit right on target” by showing ads at a certain time of the day or only to residents of a particular region. This, on the one hand, reduces advertising costs, and on the other, allows you to make your audience coverage even more accurate.

Finally, AdWords is about spending your advertising budget wisely. The user of the system pays not for placing an ad, but for each click, that is, not for prospects, but for real customers who are interested in the site and have entered its page.


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